Duncan Trussell

Stand-up comedian




April 20, 1974


Asheville, North Carolina

Asheville, NC


47 years old


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A little about Duncan

Testicle cancer

On December 14, 2012, Trussell announced that he had been diagnosed with testicular cancer. The cancer was successfully treated (aka he now only has one testicle).

Some of his work

Besides stand-up comedy, Duncan hosts the Duncan Trussell Family Hour and developed a Netflix show, Midnight Gospel, which featured conversations from his podcast episodes.

His mother

Duncan's mother passed away in 2013. Just 3 weeks before her death, she recorded a podcast with Duncan for the Duncan Trussell Family Hour, which is a fan favorite and was used for his Netflix show, Midnight Gospel.

Related comedians


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Duncan Trussell


Advice for people struggling creatively

Get familiar with the BURN of the learning curve and just accept that the only way to get better at anything is to fail over and over and over. I saw this video of this amazing archer and he was shooting arrows through tubes and quarters and making these amazing shots and someone next to him said "Lucky shot!" and he said "The more I practice the luckier I get!"


Duncan Trussell


Favorite music

Favorite music

Duncan Trussell


Favorite music

Duncan Trussell

HOLY SONS: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vFIg6zVnx0k (emil and I went to college together) JOHN PRINE RIP https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DEy6EuZp9IY JESUS CHRIST SUPERSTAR. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IOPbXQ86NuA JAD FAIR AND DANIEL JOHNSTON: This album changed my life: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dXAWTnVy2js SEBADOH: I've listened to this album at least a billion times. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pWPv3KyLgRk In the mornings I play this when I wake up early and make breakfast for my wife and son: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=15BouyAB83o And My mom LOVED this song and now I do: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=35x_rwyBh-8 AND ZEFFFFFF DIE ANTWOORD: If anyone knows them they ...


I always go back to something Ram Dass teaches "We work on ourselves so we can help the people closest to us." I've gone through various phases of trying to "save" my friends and my attempts have at the very least been annoying and at the worst created temporary rifts. People really feel it when you've gotten to the place where you can actually listen to them without wanting to change them and paradoxically that seems to be the space that folks transform within.
The Waste Lands. Blaine is a PAIN! That being said the entire series is an awe inspiring work of glory. At points it's like Stephen King had some kind of cosmic meltdown and left this mystical radiation all over the series.

Duncan Trussell


Advice for doing DMT

Advice for doing DMT

Duncan Trussell


Advice for doing DMT

Duncan Trussell

Not a fan of 5 meo DMT but that's because I was a total idiot when I smoked it and ignored every single warning regarding dosage. This was many years ago when I had this terrible hubris regarding psychedelics and honestly thought nothing could be more powerful than LSD. Boy was I wrong. That experience stuck with me not so much because it completely annihilated me but because it taught me how supremely important it is to treat psychedelics with the respect you might give dynamite. Stay safe, friend!
We had a writer's summit where for 2 weeks we had Weird Al, Emo Phillips, Maja Da Oust, Jason Louv, Johnny Pemberton, Brendon Walsh (Gawd I hope i'm not forgetting someone), come up with ways the world could end. Then we broke the apocalypses we liked best into beats and "hung" the podcast dialogue on that framework. It was REALLY challenging because too much animated plot distracts from the conversation but if a GIANT ZOMBIE is eating the white house you can't just keep talking about weed so we had to figure out ways to pin the dialogue to the animation using VO we recorded after we had pieced together the animatics enough to know where it needed it.
Look around you. Do you see the interior sun that floats in the core of the earth shining in through the stained glass windows of your subterranean palace? If not then you're probably not a billionaire yet.


I was about to interview him at the Open Your Heart In Paradise retreat in Hawaii in front of the entire retreat. We were back stage and he looked up at me and smiled and I said "I'm so nervous!!!" and he said "Me too!!!!!!!" and we laughed and it was just the best. I miss him so much!
I wouldn't!! Not because I didn't make SO MANY MISTAKES but because those mistakes led me to my wife and because I met her I got to be the father to this amazing kid that teaches me that the ladder across the abyss is made of mistakes.

Duncan Trussell


Book recommendations

Book recommendations

Duncan Trussell


Book recommendations

Duncan Trussell

Man's Search For Meaning by Victor Frankl Grist For The Mill by Ram Dass Shambhalla the Sacred Path Of The Warrior by Trungpa The Shining!! by Stephen King Lord Amberson Volt's amazing "Home Surgery Guide"
It changed everything. There's this beautiful thing Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche says about putting down your project or agenda and just being with someone else. That's a great map for the territory of fatherhood. This kid blows my mind. We have an orange tree and the people who lived here before us grew strawberries so every day he gets to harvest and eat fruit with me and his name for fruit is "nann" He'll point up at the orange tree and say "nann" and it's gotta be what the angels sound like when they are singing in heaven. laying on the hammock eating oranges with him and laughing and listening to him say "Nan" has altered me permanently for the better.
The weirdest gift I've ever received was a jar of ayahuasca after a comedy show.