Seth Green


Comedy writer

Voice actor


February 8, 1974


Overbrook Park, Pennsylvania

Overbrook Park, PA


47 years old


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A little about Seth

Family Guy role

He is the voice of Chris for the animated television sitcom Family Guy,

What he's known for

He is a co-creator, executive producer, and most frequent voice on Adult Swim's Robot Chicken.

His prolific career

He has worked on almost 200 films and TV shows. His first came in 1984 at age 10, when he appeared alongside Jodie Foster in The Hotel New Hampshire.

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Seth's posts (9)

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Seth Green


Would he do Seth Macfarlane's The Orville if he was asked

I love Seth Macfarlane and would collaborate with him anywhere on anything.


Sorry no actual update. I've heard for years there's a movie being developed, but never from anyone actually connected with it. Personally I love the movies, that character, and all the people involved. It's some of the most fun I've had, and most the most widely received movie I've been a part of. Not sure Mike is really looking to make a new one, but I'm sure if he did, everyone would show up for it.
Question: I've always wondered how you managed to get so many big name guest stars on Robot Chicken. Was it all purely professional negotiation, or was there a lot of getting friends to spend an afternoon doing you a solid? Answer: A little of both. I asked a lot of favors in our first season, but as the show became popular, we got approached by performers who wanted to play with us. We always ask, and are thrilled when people say yes. I think it's lots of fun, so I always present it to performers that way.
I love that movie. Getting to play that part was such a gift for me. We had a real balance of genuine emotional resonance, with highly stylized high school life. It's all subject matter and humor that I love. Plus everyone on set and in production knew each other, or were aware of each other over the years, so filming was kind of like a party. GREAT TIME.
Oh my gosh I learned so much. Hard to put into words because it's so many things about so many things. With making Robot Chicken for several years, I've gotten lots of experience not just working with actors, but also helping a large crew all work together for a shared goal. I really appreciate every individual's personal contribution to the whole, and know that people need encouragement. I've learned to be direct without making someone feel punished, and I really focus on surrounding myself with superior talent wherever possible. I really work to take nothing personally, and give space for everyone to do their best work. I think I'll direct another movie, but I need it to be something I lov...
At several points, there can be dozens of people who need you to have an answer. Your job as director is to tell everyone if what they're doing is within your vision. You always have to be able to convey that vision to everyone making the movie with you. The question could be about an actor's character, and if their improv or idea works in context with the overall story, or your beliefs about their character. It could be making the decision to move to a cover set because the forecast is rain. I make sure to surround myself with smart and highly competent professionals, and then take everyone's advice. I like the idea that's best for the movie, even if it's not mine.
I was really lucky to always work without really getting known at a young age for a particular role. I think that's what keep me from being labeled a 'child star'. I was 22 before the audience seemed to know me by name, and it was a cumulative effect over the several years I'd been working. As far as adapting, I've had the benefit of being witness to all the careers of everyone in my field since I was a child. So I got to see people do it right and wrong, over thirty years. It's shown me areas to avoid, or offered me cautionary tales of how to lose it all. Mostly, I love the work. I truly enjoy making movies and shows, and I simply work very hard. I believe we all deserve to be treated well,...
I love the new movie and can't wait for the second part. That book is a favorite of mine, and King one of my favorite authors. It was a really big deal for me to get that role, and insane to get to work with all those stars. I'd loved both Tim Curry and John Ritter for years, and taken tremendous influence from their careers and performances. Everyone was so cool and gracious- it really set a tone of epic collaboration. The director Tommy Lee Wallace was so clear in his vision, and really able to communicate. It showed me a lot about what a director can and should be.
I love playing a variety of characters, and really enjoy getting into the skin and brain of them. So getting to do those movies in the same year was particularly rewarding. They were months apart, and required completely different preparation. I actually had to get ground and mechanical instrument training for Knockaround Guys, since I had to convincingly be a pilot- I even had to operate the brakes on our landing. One of the most terrifying and empowering moments of my life. With Rat Race, I got to have silly fun with some of my favorite stars (including Breckin) and Jerry Zucker- who's responsible for some of my favorite things like Top Secret, Airplane, and Police Squad. It was a great ye...
