Eric Andre

Stand-up comedian



April 4, 1983


Boca Raton, Florida

Boca Raton, FL


38 years old


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A little about Eric

The psychological torture of guests on The Eric Andre Show

The Eric Andre Show famously likes to make guests uncomfortable. Highlights of this include The Hills star Lauren Conrad walked right off the set after Eric drew a swastika on his forehead and pretended to eat vomit. Also, rapper T.I. cut off his s...

Big time bass player

After graduating from Dreyfoos School of the Arts in West Palm Beach, Florida, Andre studied at Berklee College of Music in Boston, where he played the double bass and graduated in 2005 with a BFA.

I am John Coltrane

He was put in jail for a sketch on The Eric Andre Show where he acted obnoxious at a California town meeting where he acted like an obnoxious frat boy. He told the cops that his name was John Coltrane and they believed him.

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Eric Andre


What's up with the band on The Eric Andre Show

we shoot a lot of their stuff independently so they don't know what's going on. we try to keep them completely in the dark.


Wonder Showzen. Ren & Stimpy. Jackass. Chapelle Show. Tom Green.
i tripped balls and listened to Seal in 8th grade
"you seem chill AF. What's your credit card number?" works every time.


a lot of them stay which is weird. why would you stay. it's a fucking nightmare in there
you gotta deal with like a decade worth of bullshit before you start seeing the fruits of your labor. Just avoid negative people and keep writing and perfecting your set. Throw out jokes that don't work. Keep the ones that do work.
Quit! ...or follow your dreams. don't listen to me. advice is bullshit. trust your gut. (that's advice too)
