Rainn Wilson


January 20, 1966


Seattle, Washington

Seattle, WA


55 years old


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A little about Rainn

Animal lover

He and his wife, Holiday Reinhorn, have three pit bulls, Oona, Pilot, and Diamond; two Vietnamese pot-bellied pigs, Snortington and Amy; a donkey named Chili Beans; as well as a zonkey named Derek.

Spiritual outlook

He and his family are members of the Baháʼí Faith. He hosts a podcast for the Baháʼí blog called the Baháʼí Blogcast, where he interviews notable people about the intersection of their faith and their work.

Soul Pancake

Rainn founded the website and YouTube channel SoulPancake, whose tagline is "We make stuff that matters." It has been featured on Oprah Winfrey's Satellite Radio Show and Super Soul Sunday, and has millions of subscribers.

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Rainn's posts (10)

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Rainn Wilson


Favourite prank Jim pulled on Dwight

When he put my desk in the bathroom.


Study under the very very best people. Apprentice yourself. Undertake a lifetime of learning.
Baha'is believe that the way to be the most spiritual is to be of service! So I try to be of service in what I do. Sometimes I just really believe in the project - and want to play the character - but I believe that making great stories and entertainment is a very valuable service. Soulpancake, a for-profit company, is also a service - providing uplifting inspiring content that helps bring people together!
John and I on the party planning committee for Kelly's party. Hanging the brown and grey balloons. We COULD NOT STOP LAUGHING.

Rainn Wilson


Political beliefs

Political beliefs

Rainn Wilson


Political beliefs

Rainn Wilson

As a Baha'i I am not political. I believe that eventually we need to ban partisan politics and write in the best person for the job who may be too humble to seek the position. What would Elon Musk or Bill Gates be like as president?
I did. I write about this a great deal in my book. McKenzie had a brilliant sense of being unhinged and taking himself completely seriously. I just outright stole that. He's amazing. I love watching him and I was thrilled to take the mantle of that character from Gareth to Dwight.
Andre Gregory, the theatre director and writer, once told me that the world wants you cynical. To keep your heart open to possibility. I really took that to heart. The world needs hope, service, humor and love. It's way too easy to stay jaded and cynical and pessimistic. Such an easy fall-back position - anyone can do it.
The Injury was my favorite episode. It was such freewheeling comic mayhem but so grounded at the same time.


We have been going to Haiti regularly for many years and really fell in love with it. We both love arts education and did a lot of work and research on the fact that education of adolescent girls is the BEST WAY TO REDUCE POVERTY! So we decided to put our money where our mouth is and go to the poorest parts of Haiti and teach there. Check us out: http://lidehaiti.org
