Regardless of religion, or what your beliefs of religion would be, the teachings of Jesus are shown to be the most profound thinking of all time. Ideas such as "love thy enemy" or "turn the other cheek," these are not thoughts that come to a normal person. And of course, all of the great pacifists throughout the ages, they all trace back to that one person, religious belief or not, historically speaking. He was by far the deepest thinker, he could think. He thought in layers. And if you take only his words and forget everything else in the bible, you'll have yourself a very good book.
The very fact that we humans are here with this consciousness, is an accident. If the dinosaurs hadn’t been wiped out, the mammals, who were very small and had no room to expand their domain, would never have evolved into large mammals and into human beings and into human consciousness. They would’ve remained the size of ferrets. Well the fact that something, whether it was and asteroid, or Darwinism, or whatever it is that set it along, that blocked out the sun long enough to kill off the dinosaurs, made room for us. That’s an accident, that’s a joke. People take that seriously, people think God did that. People say, “We’re destined to do things.” People say, “We have rights.” There is no s...
The knowledge that nothing matters, while accurate, gets you nowhere. The planet is dying. The sun is exploding. The universe is cooling. Nothing's going to matter. The further back you pull, the more that truth will endure. But, when you zoom in on earth, when you zoom in to a family, when you zoom into a human brain and a childhood and experience, you see all these things that matter.
We have this fleeting chance to participate in an illusion called: I love my girlfriend, I love my dog. How is that not better?
Knowing the truth that nothing matters can actually save you in those moments. Once you get through that terrifying treshold of accepting that, then every place is the center of th...
T Bunz and I met when he was just a 23 year-old stud in front of a rock club called "The Cat Club" on Sunset Blvd. We were doing the same show and he claims I was very sassy to him. At the time I smoked cigarettes and was like "Oh hey, whatever." That's his version. I thought he was very handsome and sweet and liked that he seemed mature for his age. He's now 60 years old. Doesn't he look amazing?
I think Hitchcock had a good idea - he said shoot Love scenes like Murder Scenes and Murder Scenes like Love Scenes..maybe he felt that falling love was scary as shit.....? I think we've all felt that way sometime...
Will Ferrell