Christina Pazsitzky

Stand-up comedian



June 18, 1976


Toronto, Ontario

Toronto, ON


45 years old


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A little about Christina

Escaping Hungary

She was born in Windsor, Ontario, Canada to Hungarian parents who had escaped from Hungary in 1969. Her family relocated in her early childhood to Los Angeles, California where she was raised.

Work-life balance with Tom Segura

She married fellow comedian Tom Segura in 2008. They co-host Your Mom's House podcast together.

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Christina Pazsitzky


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Christina Pazsitzky


Favorite podcasts

Christina Pazsitzky

I LOVE Paul Gilmartin's Mental Illness Happy Hour. It's a great service to humanity. Rogan, F This Playdate, Greg Fitzsimmons, Maron, Alison Rosen, Ari and Bert.


Bill Hicks had it all - presence, truth, material
It's so hard. I'd say walk around the city you're visiting if you can. Make it interesting. Yoga in a hotel room is great, too. Find a youtube exercise video and do it in your room. That's what I did for a while.
Feeling like there wasn't a job out there that felt right. I tried a lot of them and it was clear I couldn't fit into society like a normal human being. Get the fuck out of Iowa! Go find your tribe and start living your life the way you secretly wish you could. Stop being afraid of what other people will think of you and do the thing you want to do. Above all, leave Iowa :)
Ooof, still figuring the mom stuff out! The weird part is, when you grow up with something odd you just think everyone else has it the same way. Around 12 or 13 I realized something was wrong and spent less and less time at home. By the time I was 30 I got my ass into therapy and really figured it out. And yes, separating from her was a huge help. I recommend everyone get their ass into therapy if they feel something is off. It saved my life.
T Bunz and I met when he was just a 23 year-old stud in front of a rock club called "The Cat Club" on Sunset Blvd. We were doing the same show and he claims I was very sassy to him. At the time I smoked cigarettes and was like "Oh hey, whatever." That's his version. I thought he was very handsome and sweet and liked that he seemed mature for his age. He's now 60 years old. Doesn't he look amazing?
This is a very common problem for most comedians. Lemme ask you this - How bad was your childhood? If it was really bad, chances are you're already comfortable with feeling like a failure. So you're actually ahead of the game! Stand up is You vs You so tell that scared little bitch to calm down. You aren't fighting in Afghanistan or battling cancer. You're just telling shit jokes to strangers. Good luck and godspeed. Go for it!
We like to tell each other about bits after they've been developed a bit. Usually it's because we are excited about the bit. But we generally don't share new bits/premises for fear of crossover and both of us are very private in our "incubation" phase. I hadn't heard any of Tom's stuff until his last taping in Denver. It's also more fun that way. We collaborate a lot of YMH so that's the space where we come together.