Best idea he's ever had while being high

This is the End


Related posts tagged 'Coming up with ideas'


Related posts tagged 'Coming up with ideas'

Question: You come from a very affluent family – are you a reformed “rich dick” or are those characters informed by people you went to school with? Or both? Or neither? Answer: All of my characters are informed by who I am and people that I've come into contact with, as well as everyone else involved in making the show - like in the case of Rich Dicks, John Daly and people that he knew.
Dan had the idea. He liked the idea of a guy who took the time to look ridiculous and then having the guy hating being called ridiculous.
Question: how do you organize and develop your material and various jokes? Do you have notebooks full of detailed notes and jokes, or do you just sketch them out and wing it on stage? Answer: I believe in detailed notes and jokes, and also winging it onstage. But, not for your first open mic. For your first open mic, my advice to you would be to make sure you have what you're gonna do memorized, to the point that one of your friends can gently slap you across the face, and you'll still be able to get it out of your mouth.
There is no line that I know in terms of what's "too far," whether that means too sentimental or too ...I don't know, controversial or confessional....a "boundary" is an artificial construct, we have to create boundaries when they involve other people, precisely because it makes empirical something that would otherwise be frustratingly subjective (like that neighbor that just kind of 'feels like' their yard extends into yours, in which case you have to go to city hall and pull out a map with lines on it). In matters of creativity - when you're sitting and writing dialogue by yourself, there's no lines needed because you're not having to function in cooperation, your job in creation, I think,...
Nick and I came up with Too Much Tuna in five seconds with Jessi Klein about ten years ago at a restaurant on 6th avenue called French Roast. We got a plate with too much tuna and we said "this is too much tuna."
People say, “You’re going to get married, and you’re going to have a kid, and then you’re going to be happy and you’re not going to have any material.” I’ve been telling guys that what really happens is, once you get that happiness there’s this whole new fear that you’re going to lose it. Stephen King cannot fuck with the things that you think could happen to your kids. I’ve learned how to deal with those thoughts, and I know the tricks to get me out of depression: playing drums, working out, playing with my daughter, trying something new.
I don't know exactly. I think it was Chris Kattan and myself just acting stupid in my apartment when we wrote that sketch for the Groundlings show that we were in at the time. It's also what happens when the beat of any Haddaway song hits your ear.
It’s just a series of steps that take place haphazardly. The file cabinet contains most of the things that are sort of in waiting, ready to be transformed into a usable language, you know? That’s the holding pen. The observations keep coming and the comparisons that the observations represent that are, you know you have a world view and it’s like your matrix and so, when you see things happen, you’re comparing those things to what you already know and how you already feel. That produces your impression. So those are things I write down, those impressions that I get from the world. So, some of them are in half form states, some of them are just ideas, just highlight, the key words, patterns, ...
I wish I could. i have a lot of journals with one page half written in. I sometimes will write myself a quick email on my bb when I think of something.

Related posts tagged 'Drugs'


Related posts tagged 'Drugs'

Drugs can be bad. But some people can do them and be fine. If you don't know what kind of person you are, I'd really stay away from them. I'll never do coke cause I know I'll love it and probably die. Something that makes you stay up and love everything? Cmon son... I really even shouldn't be we are. I live in Cali. Marijuana is like toothpaste there.


Well that's a large question, isn't it? Because you're talking about recreation, which everyone is in favor of. You are also talking about something that has been illegal for so many years, and marijuana is responsible for such a large part of the prison population, for the crime of self-medication. And it takes millions and billions of dollars by incarcerating people for this crime against oneself as best can be determined. People are realizing that the war on drugs is a failure, that the amount of money spent, you could have bought all the drugs with that much money rather than create this army of people and incarcerated people. I think the terror of marijuana was probably overstated. I do...
[In reply to Louis CK, who was leading a discussion about the importance of maintaining a physical training routine and its relation to comedy] Louis, I concur that poor health leads to sloth and effects your creativity.
Repeating any behavior continually will effect your writing as it gives 
you nothing new to say. I do drugs, yes I do but I only do them socially. Its the fact that I
 talk openly about it that gives the impression that there is a
 frequency. I’ve probably done mushrooms 6 times this year, acid once
 (poor quality), coke maybe 5 or 6 times, and about three xanax a week
to sleep. I dont smoke pot. So smokes and drink are about my only habits and the cigarettes 
certainly n...
ate prob bout a fifteenth of a garbage bag of mushrooms in eight grade. thought i was in a mass grave for 3 hrs but was just laying on dark carpet. Also once tripped really hard in a fridge box with some dogs in it and one of the dogs gave birth while i was in there. And i felt something.
The drugs didn’t make me funny. God made me funny. The drugs kept me up in my imagination. But I felt ... pathetic afterward. Drugs messed me up.


Damn. There's so many. I'll give you a couple. We're all meaningless. In the grand scheme of history, we are a blink on the timeline. A blink. So I took that to mean I should live what makes me happy before I'm dust. I can tell people what I think about them when it's a good thing. I was holding it back too much. After my first real shroom trip, I sat in my car on the way down and texted Chris Fairbanks to tell him that I thought his delivery style was really unique. Things like that. Why keep it to yourself. There are hundreds more. These are just a deep one and a simple one.
So I guess what I learned about that is I don’t want to be written about any drug point of view, you know? Because I think that kind of thing is just…no one nowadays ever keeps to themselves. Everyone talks about shit, and you can’t just do stuff these days without someone talkin.’ Those days are over. As far as what I’ve learned, I guess is to stay under the radar as far as possible and just, you know, I mean, I’ve definitely learned over the years that you can’t do copious amounts of drugs and stay alive; that’s not going to happen. So not all drug use has tapered off, much to many people’s misunderstanding, but I’ve learned just to stay under the radar, and do what you do and keep it in c...


Not a fan of 5 meo DMT but that's because I was a total idiot when I smoked it and ignored every single warning regarding dosage. This was many years ago when I had this terrible hubris regarding psychedelics and honestly thought nothing could be more powerful than LSD. Boy was I wrong. That experience stuck with me not so much because it completely annihilated me but because it taught me how supremely important it is to treat psychedelics with the respect you might give dynamite. Stay safe, friend!